Acid Reflux (GORD)

Acid reflux is also known as heartburn, acid indigestion, or pyrosis. Acid reflux is a common condition that features a burning pain, known as heartburn, in the lower chest area. It happens when stomach acid flows back up into the food pipe. Acid reflux creates a burning pain in the lower chest area, often after eating, acid reflux is when some of the acid content of the stomach flows up into the esophagus, into the gullet, which moves food down from the mouth. Despite the name, heartburn has nothing to do with the heart. The stomach contains hydrochloric acid, a strong acid that helps break down food and protect against pathogens such as bacteria. The lining of the stomach is specially adapted to protect it from the powerful acid, but the esophagus is not protected, GORD affects people of all ages, sometimes for unknown reasons. Often, it is due to a lifestyle factors especially, but it can also be due to causes that cannot always be prevented. One cause that is not preventable is a hiatal (orhiatus) hernia.

Food and dietary habits that have been linked to acid reflux include:

  • caffeine
  • alcohol
  • a high intake of table salt
  • a diet low in dietary fiber
  • eating large meals
  • lying down within 2 to 3 hours of eating a meal

    Consuming chocolate, carbonated drinks, and acidic juices are the causatives. A recent study
    suggests that dietary choices may be as effective as using proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) in treating acid reflux. Chronic heartburn can lead to serious Health complications. If you aresuffering from this Health problem, some of the remedies are like improving posture, for instance, sitting up straighter, wearing loose clothing, losing weight if overweight or obese avoiding increased pressure on your abdomen, such as from, tight belts or doing sit-up exercises and stopping smoking. Heartburn can occur during pregnancy too and may risk survival of the infant, Pregnant women commonly Heartburn a disorder that involves a burning feeling in the chest. Pregnant women are more likely to get heartburn for a number of reasons First, during pregnancy, the hormone progesterone is secreted in higher amounts to support the pregnancy. Progesterone causes the valve that separates the food pipe from the stomach to relax, causing heartburn. In addition, the growing uterus starts to put pressure on the stomach and other internal organs in later pregnancy. That pressure can also push food and stomach acid back into the food pipe. For further consultations and help concerning Acid Reflux (GERD) we advise clients to visit us.

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